Thursday, January 23, 2020

Congress Tine once again

Everything starts from a thought
Where it came from we know not
But when it begins to show
That in truth we don’t know
We begin to see
Just how important friends are to me
In order to rebuild our soul
Bringing the world to become whole
To repair all we destroyed 
And with the Will To Recieve we become annoyed
Until we truly feel the hate for it being
Because it stops us from truly seeing
That we are all one
Fueling the world to health like the sun
Worried about all the world 
Speaking words like beautiful pearls
To help them all to unite
As they draw into the light
The light will heal 
That with you that is ill
All to change our perception
Bringing us to this one connection
Our connection together and to nature
Is all that is missing despite our portraiture
So come to the congress in the mother land
Together to the Creator we must stand
And at the congress can this be done
Feeling the joy and having fun
Feeling nature at every turn
Building within us a powerful yearn
So congress is here and awaiting your choice
All to hear the Creators voice
He speaks to us loud and clear 
But the Will To Receive has filled us with fear
And this we need so bestowal will appear
Come one and all
Don’t let your heart fall
Bring it opened wide
As together we unite side by side
With love to you all i do declare
Together our hearts can share
The love it hold as we dare 
To to unite as one man with One heart and Soul
This is what it takes to make the world whole

our work

How do i know my request will reach the center of the ten
How to prepare amongst such great and strong men
As the hate is revealed
Love no longer is concealed
We try to calculate what we have
The preparation to the lessons will bring both halves
The will to receive and the will to bestow
From what the sages describe and show
But how much you can open your heart
Enlivening the friends for the best possible start
To bring in the light and be as a funnel
Passing the light through without a muzzle
Except for the Will to receive
I know it is all hard to conceive
But when push comes to shove
It is all from above
Showing us through the will to bestow
Once again all to show
The masses what we need to do
All designed especially for you
And when we get to this place we can begin
To discover that there is none else but Him