Sunday, May 9, 2010

Day and Night

The day and night
The darkness and light
Is what inside builds the might
Working within as you play your roll
Is what it takes to become whole
Going through the trials at hand
As you internally take this stand
Brings the light that truly heals
As you discover and reveal
The truth about what is real

knowing your nature

Once you know your nature and do not agree
It is then that you move into the next degree
This is known as Chafetz Chesed
Once again truly blessed
As you work on that middle line
This is what transcends time
As the Kabbalist brought us this beautiful wisdom or force
As they revealed it from the source
Building the connection between souls
Is what it takes to become whole

Locked behind these bars of life

Locked behind these bars of life
Every moment filled with strife
Never knowing just how near
Only feeling the message so clear
Unity is the message at hand
Playing like a 20 chorus band
Forget about this life that is a living hell
As everyone strives for Yeshar Kell