Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Struggles of Man

The struggles of man stretch far and wide
Leaving man wanting to run and hide
As man digs in to find the reason for this misery and pain
Searching from the outside drives him insane
Never finding just what is the cause
Struggling through all his own faux pas
Like a pup chasing his tail for all his has tried
He fails to simply look inside
For inside man
Ly’s all of Natures plan
Just waiting for man to reveal
What for all his life has been concealed
Just waiting for man to ask through all his strife
What is the purpose of my life

A man is born

A man is born with a certain perception
While his EGO performs interceptions
Blocking man from any advancements
As the EGO seeks more enhancements
Leaving man with discernments to perform
On his own not knowing how to reform
He seeks others that feel his lack
Hoping together they can get back
To that place where all are one and whole
One man, with one heart and soul