Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Anatoli, Anatoli, your presence is known

Anatoli, Anatoli, your presence is known
As the world stands behind you for what you've shown
Your love for the goal that brought so many to this path
All fighting the ego's wrath
You brought to us this method of workshops that we use
You help guide us when we are confused
You help those who's tears fall like rain
And the essence of all groups flows through your veins
Your serious and dedicated to your core
Your method of integral education is opening once locked doors
Through everything it's so plain to feel and see
You are the heart of the Russian Kli
We love you my brother more than words can relay
Feeling our hearts as you do each and every day
Were with you my brother without a bit
To the creator we all scream and shout
Save this special soul who has touched so many in plight
We pray my beloved Anatoli for that healing light
We love you dear brother and know that deep within
You have discovered none else besides him

Vissions in my Head

Woke up this morning with visions in my head
Spent the day filled with dread
Worrying about the American Jews
Feeling that they don't have a clue
Hatred of the Jews has grown word wide
Jews of America, you can No longer hide
If you think that on this one you get a free pass
I assure you you got it wrong but alas
You will see it up front and personal, in your face
Then you will drop to your knees begging for grace
Align yourself with Israel right now today
Together we all can pray
To bring joy to the creator, and fulfill nature's plan
Bringing the world to balance for every woman, child and man
I beg you please don't wait till its too late
Join us now and let's unite and change the world's fate
Only together, this is how we can
Bring back the unity that started with Abraham

The Rivers Are Shallow and the Lakes are Dry

The rivers are shallow and the lakes are dry
The mountains climb, up to the sky
The dreams we have, have we stopped to ask why
Love is lost in the world today
People wandering around with nothing to say
Where did we fail to keep love alive this day
Desires come and go so fast
But we never take time to wonder and ask
Who’s desires are these, that I’m asked to take to task
All I know is they come and go
And when I step away from them to me it does show
How there not even my desires
But while I have stepped aside
Now I see there is more to aspire
For now I see that love is still there
Waiting for open hearts to come and dare
Dare to feel and be as one
To love your brothers like a father to his son
To bare your soul to your friends
Through this you know that love will begin
Love between brothers where bringing joy to the creator is our goal
All the while uniting our souls