Sunday, August 24, 2014

What Is The Price We Pay For This Life We Live

What is the price we pay for the life we live
When we are not connected why do we try to give
All the shit we consider as wealth
In three years will be knocked off the shelf
Thrown in the trash
New ones purchased only to crash
The hungry will grow
The homeless will die
And those that are comfortable won’t even sigh
What is the price for this life we live
Why is it our heart is what we won’t give
We work and toil for the life we have
Never looking for life’s other halve
Only seeing what fills our greed
Even if it’s not a need
When a fellow human falls to his grave
We go about our business and hide in out enclave
What is the price we pay for this life we live
It’s making us annihilative
What will it take for you to see
This is not how life should be
Together we can find a way
To stand up to that which makes us say
That this is life’s imperfection
Helping us avoid the true connection
A connection together which is where we begin
To discover a new life deep with in

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Slumber Filled Eyes

Lying in bed with slumber filled eyes
Wondering about all the things I haven’t tried
Trying to feel a new direction to flow
Understanding that there is nothing more to know
Feeling the efforts from those around town
As these workshops take off the ground
As the people pile in never knowing why
Only that they were called inside to try
As our community at large that put these workshops on
To the people of Israel its like singing a song
One that breaks down the barriers that hold us apart
All the while opening their hearts
Bringing Israel back to being whole
As one man with one heart and one soul

The Gathering has Come and Gone

The gathering has come and gone
Holding you all in my heart is where I long
Bringing you back to the center of the group
Not an easy task it’s filled with hoops
Hoops I will jump through with love and joy
Being just like a hoy
Carrying the loads of brothers afar
Rising you all above the stars
Holding you in heart and thoughts
As we unitedly connect all the dots
Binging joy to the creator for fulfilling his plan
Drawing the light to you all to raise man
Loving you like you are my brothers
Though you are from a different mother
Still loving you like no other
As one man with one heart and soul
Unitedly fulfilling the One Goal

What Can You Say

What can you  say
When all the friends leave and you're left to pray
Seeing just how incomplete you are when the friends go away
Feeling how much to you the friends do sway
My one love will never leave
Even when the friends blow in the breeze
The connections built that we have seized 
From this moment on will never pass
Till the end of time and beyond it will last
Never faltering or dying out
And when you’re not here it makes me shout
Praying for you with no thought to me
That the light will come and help you see
Just how beautiful you are
Stringing it out like a blues guitar 
Hitting the notes that make my heart sing
Because for me you are a beautiful thing
That unity we hold  
Between us so bold
Breaking the mold
So remember my brothers one and all
We cannot allow the unity to fall
We must remind each other every day
Never allowing the unity to stray

The pains we suffer

The pains we suffer night and day
Trying to get our heart to sway
Working towards matching our heart to our mouth
Never feeling the separation like the north from the south
Learning just what it means
To rise above the things from where reality beams
Bringing us this dream called life
That is filled with sufferings brought on by strife
The strife of separation from one to another
Disconnecting us from our sisters and brother's
But a heart that is open and shown to love
Can only come from inclusion with nature above
Who teaches us how to be one heart and one soul
Bringing the world to becoming whole

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Dry River Bed

A morning without you is like a dry river bed
  To not see your luminescence is gruesome instead
Your existence though not new to me
Drives me crazy when I can’t see
But then the group shows me just what can be found
When we look with our heart and keep our eyes to the ground
It’s our heart that gets broken time and again
When our thoughts go mopping from now to then
Showing me all the suffering that I do
All because I love you
As the heart grows weaker from this love loss
As through my sleep I turn and toss
Thinking all along how disconnected I am
Only as the group shows me that it’s a sham
The truth is I am more connected then I was before
I had to adjust my vision so I could see through the door
The door that brings me these opportunities to unite
To the greatest of the generation come day or night
It’s you my brothers that have guided me through
These difficult transitions that at me nature threw
So here we are one and all
Like a bunch of dill pickles in a jar
Bumping and sitting all nice and neat
Our bellies are demanding something to eat
But only so we will sit near and in site
As our hearts come together and we unite
One man one heart and one soul
Bringing joy to the creator as nature brings the world to becoming whole