Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Why Are You Here

Why are you here?
What in your heart do you hold so dear?
If not in the lessons with your brothers
Then you’re wasting time on desires of others
So why then are you here?
How can one expect to draw his brothers near?
Has not Rabash made this clear?
What does it take to build this uniting force?
How do you expect to reveal the source?
If in the lesson you never go
Then it’s all the EGO’S show
So why are you here?
When one is told how close you are
To unite together and no longer be far
And you don’t do everything in your power
To be in position to blossom like a flower
To unite with your kli
It just confuses the hell out of me
So why the hell are you here?
If the goal in itself is not enough
If your life is so damn rough
Then ask yourself one more time
Are you looking for some kind of sign?
And then without reason or rhyme
Go to the group and be in the lesson
And try to ask inside all these questions
But when you’re done ask one more time
Why are you here?

The torments and pain come and go

The torments and pain come and go
Making it hard for the love to flow
Working in the group where we play this game
And if all don’t play there’s only you to blame
Never knowing if you’re playing it right
Only measurement is what’s in sight
If the group starts playing it along with you
Like putting on a tailor made shoe
It all fits together and begins to click
But getting all playing now that is the trick
So if all are in there nature without care for the other
Does it make it a group without seeing your brother
Or is it only the one that asks
Making it all on him to fulfill his tasks
Of bringing the group together to become whole
One man, one heart and one soul
What is it for you my brother