Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Nation of Love

We toil in our work every moment of the day
Seeking only to find a way
To feel just how low we truly are
Singing the blues to the tune of the guitar
Just how we have no strength
To reach that prayer in all its lengths
A prayer not for yourself alone
But for the many as the sages have shown
A prayer so complete in depth and vigor
It trips the Creator's loving trigger
Bringing all to unite as one
Extolling the our love like father to son
Bringing joy to the Creator as one man one heart
Rebuilding our soul from the start
Living and loving this plan of Creation
As we unite as one Nation
The Nation of love

Creations Glorious Plan

As the lightning flashes in the sky
There’s a sparkle in your eye
While the Earth shakes and rumbles apart
One can feel the love in your heart
And as the sky glistens in the night
Filled with beauty, void of fright
The Love we’re spreading around the world
Sparkles and glistens as the love unfurls
The time of enlightenment is in our hands
Needing only our united stand
So climb that mountain of hatred before our heart
Be blind to the lies the EGO starts
Feel your brothers love and pain
Fulfilling their desires again and again
Let go of that part of you
And let us do what we came to do
As together we unite one heart one man
Fulfilling Creations Glorious pla

What is the Egyption Within

What is the Egyption within
Where does one truly begin
To pearce inside one’s heart and know
It’s the Egyption with in running the show
Seeking desires for self pleasure
Blindly overlooking the one true treasure
Not knowing what’s real or fake, false or true
Only knowing, its within the connection with you
A connection in heart and thought that binds us together
A connection, liked or not, that lasts forever
But to most this connection is concealed
Natures plays us so we can reveal
This connection shared by one and all
As She waits to hear our call
A call, a plea an outright demand
For Her to unite us, as only She can
A prayer united from all Her parts
Opening up with joy within our hearts
It’s up to us to search within
And discover None Else But Him