Tuesday, May 1, 2012


By Molly Bolte

Sex, money, beauty, power, drama, conflict
what gets my attention?
what is valuable to me?
what makes my juices flow?

More stuff
cooler toys
hotter friends
rockstar lovers
fab vacation
cool title

What do i chase?
what do i worship?
what gets my attention?

Famous people
beautiful bodies
powerful players
big egos
lotsa cash

What draws me?
what is important to me?
what gets my attention?

When when when
will i see
will i know
the Truth?

When when when
will i see through 
the game
played before me
and within me?

When when when
i finally
give all of my attention
give all of my intention
give every last drop of my energy
to seeking and revealing Truth?

so you still don't know why we should unite

So you still don’t know why we should unite
Maybe you like the wars
Or the starvation of humans around the world
Or could it be you enjoy watching others in trouble while you sit in your ivory towers casting aspersions towards the inhabitants of the world
So you still don’t know why to unite
Are you profiting from the corruption in all phases of life
Do you enjoy the fact that business and government are in bed together with religion saying blessings to them all the time
Maybe you like the idea of the fracking going on across the land
Or the idea of the oceans being destroyed
Or the water tables around the earth being polluted
Do you still not see why to unite
Maybe you gain pleasure from screwing you friends and family over
Maybe the loss you think you will have from losing that power is more than you can bare
Or maybe
Just maybe
You do not even see just how manipulated you are!
Maybe you just don’t care anymore about life
About love
About true happiness
The kind of happiness not from when others give to you
But the happiness from being, and serving the only force that makes a difference
Don’t piss off mother Nature
Get on board today
Join in on the fun and play
Now playing

As the groups gather round the table to eat

As the groups gather round the table to eat
A feeling starts swirling around my feet
Making it difficult to remain in my seat
As my heart opens wide
With you by my side
I have no reasons to hide
As this feeling flows from my feet to my head
Leaving only love instead
Of that lonely feeling of being dead
As love guides the light to the kli
Making it possible for all to see
That there is only one way to be
Everyone united inside of thee
Now playing

The World is Shattered and falling apart

The world is shattered and falling apart
Society has no idea of where to start
To repair the damage that it has caused
Taking care of necessities has been paused
If only the people in this land
Would take up the cause with a united stand
To open our hearts and unite our souls
Into ONE becoming whole
Will there be a chance to balance nature
As we all have been a stager
The stage is set for us to unite
Let us rise above being contrite
As we aim our unity at bringing the light
To become ONE! 

we sit and laugh and joyously sing

We sit and laugh and joyously sing
What the hell does it all mean?
If we don’t rise above what we are given
Then nothing in life will have risen
So come and sit join in the dance
Don’t sit at the computer taking only a glance
Make this event more important than life
Leave behind all the corporeal strife
And unite in heart and thought this day
Open your heart and begin to be swayed
Towards love of the friends above all else
Bringing the needed medicine off the shelf
And heal this world like we are meant to do
This is only up to me and you
United in desire within the heart
Rising above our ego is where we start
So come on and join the fun
Seeking only to become ONE