Monday, August 22, 2016

Natures Plan

With all that we face 
There is no disgrace
For what we were born
As we rise above the scorn
Fighting our nature every step of the way
Trying from the heart to open up and say 
Just how important the friends truly are
The ones that are both near and far
The strength we build together as we walk this path
Is a formidable strength that will defeat all wrath
Together we are as one man with one heart and soul
Uniting together to make the world whole
Bringing joy to Nature with every step we take
Fulfilling Nature’s plan, this is our fate
so come one come all join in the fun
Loving your neighbor as if he’s your son
living and loving this life we live
Only so to the world we can give
Unconditional love

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Essence of Love

Breaking it down step by step
There is no room for sympathy or regret
Time don’t exist so every thought must count
Shake it all around till the hatred comes out
Love is what we need to extol
Love is the essence of our Soul
As to the hatred that's been concealed
Through it the love is revealed
You can’t know an up without a down
So come on people get rid of that frown
Your essence is love, not hate and despair
So stand together if you dare
Uniting your hearts with love and care
Finding your way to love of friends
Once you do, your real journey begins