Monday, March 24, 2014

walking in this world filled with pain

Waking in a world filled with such pain 
Because everyone is looking in some way to gain 
Something from the others as if it were theirs
Leaving one to wonder just how to dare
To love their friend as they love them self
How to place the ego upon a shelf 
How to see the others as they are 
A perfect reflection of G-d's image of love, like a shining star
This i can't do on my own
This must be done with a group as shown 
This is essential for the vessel to grow 
For the group is my vessels don't you know
Seeking to love the others with no thought of me
Seeking to close my eyes and open my heart to see 
Just how connected we all truly have been
Seeking this message of love to you to send 
There is no worry if your ears will hear 
We know your heart will feel all that is dear 
We can't look at what we can not feel 
We show each other just what is real 
So stand up with us for this new way to be 
Stand up and join with us to open your heart and see 
Stand up and feel the love that love of friends brings 
Rise above all that the ego feels that stings
As we reveal the creator between us and start to look within
Bringing joy back to the creator and revealing that There is none else besides him