Wednesday, May 30, 2012

When one Works in this Field of Love

When one works in this field of love
Creating unity from above
Never leaving the point from the center
Showing all just where to enter
This is the work where the effort counts
Uniting our hearts despite being trounced
Learning how to love your neighbor as yourself
Rising above the ego, put on the shelf
Like searching for the love of your life
The one wanted to be your wife
Holding on to the feelings that were gained
This search for the center must never wane
Only in the center can wholeness be found
As the feeling of unity is spread all around
United in love for all to see
How living in unity is the way to be
Living in Mutual Guarantee

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

As we come together to unite our desires

As we come together to unite our desires
The heart begins to ignite on fire
A fire and passion with the feeling of being whole
Like dripping water into a bowl
Bringing from the heart to the mind so clear
This desire of oneness that is no longer feared
A desire so strong it overrides all else
Allowing ones ego to be put on a shelf
From the left to the right then to the middle it goes
Experiencing a knowing to the world to show
The integral society in which one lives
Where all the desires pass through a sieve
Bringing only the desires that can’t be undone
Uniting the all into the ONE!

Monday, May 28, 2012

How many times does a heart have to ache

How many times does a heart have to ache
Before we realize it’s for Natures sake
How many loves does one have to loose
Before he wakes up and above the ego choose
How much pain does one have to go through
Before he realizes that it’s not about you
If all of reality is a reflection of our desire
That builds in intensity catching it on fire
Then why does man hold on to ways that bring such pain
Feeling inside like someone else controls the reins
One minuet he’s on high loving his brothers
And in the very next he is abusing all the others
Why is it that man seems helpless to change
When you look from the outside in it all seems so strange
The only constant that is found within
Is that there is none else besides Him!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

As time rolls on, this illusionary gate

As time rolls on, this illusionary gate
That blocks man from fulfilling his fate
It holds one in check not allowing him to move
Allowing ones ego to get lost in it’s grove
But a beautiful thing happens when the group meets
When the brothers open their hearts to you as they greet
As you open your heart back to them
As our hearts unite its like a transparent gem
Linking us all together as one man with one heart
Holding the visions that give the best start
Bringing the world closer to becoming whole
Allowing us to see just who has control
As we find our way to the center of the group
Inside releasing a giant loud whoop
Filling each other with joy for the goal
This is what brings us back to becoming whole
One! Arvut! 

There Are Only Two Forces that Exist in the World

There are only two forces that exist in the world
One is full of beauty as the others cruelty is unfurled
They cannot exist in the same space or time
One is in your face the other has no clear sign
They are opposites that repel each other in every way
If you want to experience one then the other must go away
The problem is that one always says it’s the other
While the beautiful one mask’s itself in all the brothers
The truth is they are from the same source
But until one knows which is their controlling force
One will be blind throughout their life’s course
To wake up that part of you that allows you to see
One must join a group where they discover their internality
As this group goes through workshops where the method is discovered
The internal group’s center is uncovered
Feeling each other’s intentions and desires
Is what raises the group much higher
Higher to that one source in him
Helping each to discover there’s none else besides him 

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The time has come when the path was given

The time has come when the path was given
To all of those who have risen
Above the ego and all the hate
To love of friends I call this fate
Because we all will get to this point in life
Where our choice is clear to rise above the strife
And see our friends as the greatest of all
And not seeing the faults which cause us to fall
To place the ego upon the shelf
And love our neighbor as we love our self
To see myself as a big fat zero
While holding our friends as the true hero
Nullifying my ego towards my friends at best
As we hold each other close to the vest
What will it take to reach Shavuot this day
To find the center of the group in every way
To reach the first rung of the ladder to climb
Forgetting about space and time

Friday, May 25, 2012

In All of Life's Dream"s

In all of life’s dreams
It always seems
No matter what its about
No matter the heaviness or drought
We all ways think we are deserving
But the truth be told
It’s your brothers desires you hold
And love that we are inserting
So put the ego on the shelf
Love your neighbor as yourself
As the ONE becomes so nurturings 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

How can a person see right from wrong

How can a person see right from wrong
When all they know is based on for what they long
No one can tell another in what to believe
If all that they see is only for he
It takes a brave soul to wonder this path
And deal with the arrows from nature’s wrath
But united as we stand and divided we’ll fall
Only our hearts can tell what is for all
Not even a priest or rabbi can tell what’s with in
But we all know there’s none else besides him!

As We Gather Together

As we gather together for our afternoon call
The points in the heart shine like a star
Bring the love and joy
To every single man and boy
Uniting our hearts to beneath the sun
Only to Become ONE !

Monday, May 21, 2012

The feeling from the center is new and distinct

The feeling from the center is new and distinct
As it comes from the desires all in sync
With no hatred only love
Which is opposite from what was given from above
Because what was created was the will to receive
Because of our blinders we can't conceive
But when we unite our desires as one
We find the center and no longer run
From each other or natures plan
Uniting together all in the land

Thursday, May 17, 2012

How beautiful it is to feel the brothers unite

How beautiful it is to feel the brothers unite
To feel everyone together and not be contrite
To feel the desires united and whole
Trying as to resurrect the soul
Building it from pieces broken and dazed
With hearts on fire burning a blaze
A blaze of unity throughout the land
Arm in arm hand in hand
Building Adam according to the plan

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

To My Brothers Who Guide the Light

To my brothers who guide the light
Who study both day and night
To those that have opened my heart so wide
And keep me marching in step and in stride
There are not enough words to express how I feel
All I know is my connection to you is real
As we share this one common goal
To bring humanity back to being whole
It is your efforts that paved the way
Your efforts leave me speechless with nothing to say
I love you each and all
Being next to you I feel so small
You are the greatest of the generation
Helping all to feel these new sensations
L’chaim to all of you for what you have been
Helping to reveal there is none else besides him
Great love to the greatest of the generation

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Love is infinitely alive with no space empty
An essence filled longing break from cycles of life and death
When hearts unite their desires
The heart with no connection will parish 

America has Turned the Corner from it's Youth

America has turned the corner from it’s youth
Now it’s time to reveal the truth
The truth about the ego so bold
From the sages who are our hero’s that told
Of the depth of the will to receive
Which until now we could not conceive
But now that we have taken another step to unite
The EGO surfaces to be contrite
So back to the group for workshops we go
Forgetting just what we think we know
Refusing to see our brother’s faults
Clinging to the love, over the EGO we vault
You see this process will never end
From the left to the right and the middle again
Over and over this will repeat
Bringing the sorrow, then the happy feet
This will continue till the end of correction
So when with the friends make the connection
To the ONE!

Monday, May 14, 2012

I feel nature pulling my strings

I feel nature pulling my strings
Knowing this now makes my heart sing
Bringing back that feeling from above
That opened my heart to feel the love
The love from each point in the heart
That gives us all such a wonderful start
A start to a world that before was hidden
Because the world wasn’t ready so it was forbidden
But now the world is crying, making its plea
This leaves work for you and me
Work from the heart that we have been trained to do
Fulfilling natures plan which brings the light through
To the rest of the world so they can see
Loving your neighbor as you love thee

Sunday, May 13, 2012

I must not feel Me but WE

I must not feel me but we
How do I open my heart to see
Only through connections with other
The ones I see and call my brothers
Can I truly rise above
The ego’s efforts to hide the love
The love for my brothers that’s above the strife
The love I’ve searched for all my life
The love that Nature holds for me
Is the love that holds together the world kli

In All of Reality There are Only Two forces

In all of reality there are only two forces

That connects the groups through the sources

Opening our hearts with love and care

Taking a special part in how we dare

To love our brothers as we love our self

Putting our ego upon the shelf

Sharing our hearts as only we can

Doing our part in natures plan

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

America is broken in a severe way

America is broken in a severe way
Leaving only the EGO to be out to play
Breaking us apart state by state
All from our own perspective and hate
Mostly because each one thinks only their view is correct
Wanting totally the others to neglect
Why oh why can we all not unite
Why oh why do we have to fight
Some think that others are using a bad approach
Mostly because they think their above reproach
But the truth is that they are working with approval
Even though the others only want their removal
But the desire of these few is great at best
As they hold the goal and Rav dear and close to their vest
So why can we not all drop the hate and preconceived notions
And allow the light to be the soothing lotion
That allows us to unite in love
The way it is written from above 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Poem By Molly Bolte

(Our only hope, our only prayer, is that the Re-forming Light will save Texas)

The biggest ego burns
deep in the heart of Texas

The greatest hatred simmers and boils
deep in the heart of Texas

The only state in the Union
to have been its own country
we are completely conceited and proud of it

To be the greatest
to make the front page
to stand apart
to command & control
that is what we want

We are completely, utterly conceited and proud of it

We hate authority
We worship ourselves
We blame everyone else

We are completely, utterly conceited and proud of it

We refuse to look in the mirror
We refuse to correct ourselves
We insist on pointing the finger

Deep in the heart of Texas
We are totally, 100% utterly conceited and proud of it

We rant, roar, and rage against "them"
Them is anyone and everyone who disagrees with us
We shout at and shoot down anyone and everything that gets in our way

We refuse to agree with anything we don't want to hear
We reject anyone and anything that is not pleasant to our ears

Deep in the heart of Texas
We are totally, 100% utterly conceited and proud of it

We see ourselves as we are
We are incapable of changing ourselves and nor do we truly desire to change ourselves

We would prefer to die as proud Texans
than to unite with anyone else

We gather in phone calls to inspire each other

We gather in phone calls to inspire each other
To raise the importance of every brother
To feel each other in ways never told
Helping each other stand fast and bold
Bold towards the balancing of natures forces
As we read straight form the sources
Not listening with our minds
But listening with our hearts to heal mankind
Opening our hearts and putting our minds on the shelf
As we love our neighbors as we love our self 

Monday, May 7, 2012

As the world around us is forever changing

As the world around us is forever changing
Leaving us internally to be rearranging
Just how we relate to the others
Seeing them all as sisters and brothers
Caring only for the others well being
Leaving behind the notions of competing
Placing our EGO neatly on the shelf
As we love our neighbor as we love our self
Coming to New Jersey not necessarily to have fun
But to caringly unite to become ONE!
Now Playing 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

By Molly Bolte

It is said
there must be more to life than this

more than chasing MORE, BETTER, DIFFERENT

Tell me
there must be more to life than this
more than chasing pleasure and fearing pain

Make me beautiful
make me attractive
make me desirable
make me interesting
make me competitive
make me a winner
keep me forever young

Leave my family
change my friends
change my religion

Change my address
change my diet
get a new degree
get a new job

If and when rule my life
When and if control me

Fear and anxiety haunt me
What if follows me everywhere

Fear poverty
Fear oppression
Fear shame
Fear illness
Fear pain
Fear aging
Fear death
Fear boredom
Fear anonymity
Fear loneliness

Where is security?
Where is safety?
Where is real rest and peace?
Where is love?

Who gets the gold?
Who wins the game?
Why them?
Why me?

Who wins the award?
Who gets the title?
Who is a success?
Why them?
Why me?

Who gets the defects?
Who gets the disadvantages?
Who gets the special needs?
Who gets the undesirable DNA?
Why them?
Why me?

Who gets the shame?
Who gets the pain?
Who gets the suffering?
Why them?
Why me?

Where are the answers?
What are the rules?
What is the meaning of it all?

Does anyone know?

There must be more to life than this
more than chasing MORE, BETTER, DIFFERENT

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


By Molly Bolte

Sex, money, beauty, power, drama, conflict
what gets my attention?
what is valuable to me?
what makes my juices flow?

More stuff
cooler toys
hotter friends
rockstar lovers
fab vacation
cool title

What do i chase?
what do i worship?
what gets my attention?

Famous people
beautiful bodies
powerful players
big egos
lotsa cash

What draws me?
what is important to me?
what gets my attention?

When when when
will i see
will i know
the Truth?

When when when
will i see through 
the game
played before me
and within me?

When when when
i finally
give all of my attention
give all of my intention
give every last drop of my energy
to seeking and revealing Truth?

so you still don't know why we should unite

So you still don’t know why we should unite
Maybe you like the wars
Or the starvation of humans around the world
Or could it be you enjoy watching others in trouble while you sit in your ivory towers casting aspersions towards the inhabitants of the world
So you still don’t know why to unite
Are you profiting from the corruption in all phases of life
Do you enjoy the fact that business and government are in bed together with religion saying blessings to them all the time
Maybe you like the idea of the fracking going on across the land
Or the idea of the oceans being destroyed
Or the water tables around the earth being polluted
Do you still not see why to unite
Maybe you gain pleasure from screwing you friends and family over
Maybe the loss you think you will have from losing that power is more than you can bare
Or maybe
Just maybe
You do not even see just how manipulated you are!
Maybe you just don’t care anymore about life
About love
About true happiness
The kind of happiness not from when others give to you
But the happiness from being, and serving the only force that makes a difference
Don’t piss off mother Nature
Get on board today
Join in on the fun and play
Now playing