Sunday, August 16, 2015

Lost in this world of confusion and lies

Lost in this world of confusion and lies
Only able to see the EGO'S  spies
Filled with hate and discord
This life I truly abhorred
Finding only one refuge of so called peace
As the friends wrap around me their love like a golden fleece
Feeling this love like never before
Helping me see a purpose to the the blood and gore
Opening up my heart like a newborn child
When I'm with the friends I just smile
Knowing this is what I've been looking for
I still feel the pain but not even a bit sore
Seeking only the truth to this life
No longer focusing only on the strife
Learning what it means to love with no reward
Ignoring this body's discord
Attaining one certain thing deep within
That there is none else besides Him

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

It took me a while to see

It took me a while to see
The reflections I see of me
In all of their beauty, splendor and form
As they guide me through their scorn
Showing me just what needs to change
Through the lessons my thoughts and desires are arranged
Being with you all from the start
Helps me to see what needs to part
At congress I can bestow to you
Filling you with light through and through
As we learn to annul, include and enliven
Expanding what we call our horizon
Feeling new sensations with in my heart
Ignoring this life that is so tart
Never letting in or letting go
To be that example of what to show
Discovering deep within
That there is None Else Besides Him