Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Treasure is a Vessel

A treasure is a vessel in which the
bounty can be placed tight
Every received thing, is called by its correlation to the light
What is this spiritual vessel that can
receive the light which nature so freely gives?
It is a vessel made for the light that
the creature needs to truly live
Like wine is poured into barrels or
jars and not sacks
In one’s present state it is the
spiritual container, the vessel that one lacks
There is a rule, the cow wants to feed
more than the calf wants to eat
This is because His wish to do good to
his creatures, which is his treat
And the reason for the restriction, we
must believe is for our own good
Even though we don’t see it and its
not understood
As one does not have the vessels that
must be right for what is placed there
But when we come together in thought
and desire then we do dare
To demand that the vessel needed is
And doing so all previous transgressions
are forgiven
So come to congress right now don’t
As we all come together and truly pray
To be one man, with one heart on this
WE Make It Real

As the Convention Begins

As the convention begins and the
hearts open large
Studying together with intention is a huge recharge
Feeling everyone with life and energy
As all come together in synergy
No one more important than their friend
As this is the state to hold till the end
With love for you all as you see these
life filled sparks
As this is what is needed to make
light where it’s dark
So come on brothers and don’t despair
This is a once in a life time chance
to stand up and dare
To bring to the world a chance to
To find that one thing that you all do
A chance to become truly whole
One man with one heart and soul
WE Make It Real!!!!

As the Eagle takes Flight

The wind blows hard with a mighty roar
As the Eagle takes flight and majestically
While the Whale swims about going to
and fro with grace
All the while nature hides her loving
Requiring only one thing to be
But man’s lack of effort keeps him
So man doesn’t know whether to zig or zag
Leaving man feeling so very sad
Now Nature puts on her majestic
Ravaging the earth as her forces are
Showing man what needs to be changed
Leaving man filled with a horrific
Because all man can see is what he
might gain
Never realizing we are all connected
and the same
Now Nature brings us a society
connected and strong
And touches that point in the heart so
they all will long
To be in this group who demonstrates natures
real intention
And guiding us all to the New Jersey
Only together can we make it real

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Time for Being Idle Has Come and Gone

The time for being idle has come and gone
Now all must enhance that for which they long
By every means that is at their disposal
Coming up with new ways and proposals
To disseminate this beautiful message to all
To show them the unity within societies call
Never forgetting about a single soul
Doing all that can be for the goal
No matter the efforts this is a must do you see?
For the unity with all is where the trust must be
Only together can we be free

Friday, March 18, 2011

This Life we Live is not our own

This life we live is not our own
Society has raised us this is shown
From our place of birth to the schools we attend
Which was not our choice but we pretend
We go on with life with many goals set
Again by the society who tells us what to get
We get married, have kids and accomplish great goals
All at the cost of feeling less then whole
Until one day when I truly feel
That no matter what the desire it cannot be fulfilled
Then out of disgust while cruising internet sites
I find BB and tears fall all night
Finally I found my home and friends
And now the real work truly begins
Working on one thing and one think alone
Attracting the light that was never known
Seeing so many who desire to connect
Any one of which I would give my life to protect
As nature lashes out and pushes us from behind
I know our desires will all be combined
With love wining out over the hate
As our combined tears open the gates
To something that is so much greater
Total adhesion with the creator

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Group is Where your Vessel is found

The group is where your vessel is found
If not for the group where would you be bound?
The group brings the strength one needs
To form for many the perfect plea
To bring to the world the unity and love
This is the plan created from above
One only needs to invest in love of friends
And with this there can be no end
As this is what brings the world to correction
Only through the groups connection
To be truly whole
One man one heart with one soul

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Voids of Confusion

of confusion fall with the nightly rains
winds filled with misery and pain
As nature seeks the correction of man
And man seeks all the pleasures at hand
Comets dash across the nightly sky
Bringing man to wonder why
Why he is here what is the point
As he puffs on another joint
Trying madly to kill this pain
Checking just if he has gone insane
Having it all and feeling so lost
What has his accomplishments truly cost
Now he has a chance to make right what is wrong
Now comes the wisdom for which he has longed
The wisdom that shows man how to change
Not what is outside him that remains the same
But all of his essence from take to give
This is a chance to for once truly live
A life of freedom unlike what we know
A chance to be as the sages do show
United in heart and in soul
Together as one Truly whole

Monday, March 14, 2011

Caught In A Maze

Caught in a maze between two worlds
Sleepwalking in a reality making my head swirl
Strolling through the day yet knowing its night
Exerting efforts that attract the light
Opening my heart in ways not known
Following what the sages have shown
Turning the “I” into a “WE”
Teaching us all just how to see
What it takes to become whole
One man, one heart, one soul

Thursday, March 10, 2011

No More Sorrow

There is no more time for sorrow or misery and pain
Now is the time for us to gain
A true understanding of our goal
A true reflection of what makes us whole
With no more worrying about what will or won’t be
I am opening my heart to truly see
How and where all of you are inside of me
And how to turn this I into WE
With only the words of the sages to be my guide
I hang on for life on this roller coaster ride
Curving, turning and twisting all around
While keeping my feet planted firmly on the ground
Looking forward to the future state
As our united tears open the gates
To the TRUE reality of the land
When WE are united as one in our stand